Club de Tenis La Fiorita

    Club de Tenis La Fiorita

    LA FIORITA is a social/sporting reality in continuous evolution and expansion!

    The organisation of important tennis events (including the OPEN "Città di Scandicci" tournament, the co-organisation of several editions of the Tuscan 4th category championships, the now classic "Consalvo Romoli" 4th category tournament) has helped to make the club known and appreciated by the most important players and operators in the region. The Tennis School, always managed by valid professionals, sees an important participation of students in the courses and an active promotional activity in two schools of the Municipality.

    The multi-purpose sand court further enhances the facilities, allowing beach tennis and beach volleyball matches between friends in the summer, as well as tournaments and events in both disciplines. Often used by volleyball teams to keep in shape in summer, the court, just like the clay courts, can also be rented by visitors and can be used until late thanks to the powerful lighting system.

    Beach Tennis e Voley

    Il campo polivalente in sabbia arricchisce ulteriormente le dotazioni del nostro impianto consentendo nella bella stagione incontri di beach tennis e beach volley tra amici, nonché tornei e manifestazioni di entrambe le discipline. Utilizzato spesso da squadre di pallavolo per il mantenimento estivo della forma, il campo, esattamente come quelli in terra rossa, è affittabile anche dai frequentatori e usufruibile fino a tarda ora grazie al potente impianto di illuminazione.